Corporate Social Responsibility
We believe our business can make a positive contribution to society and the environment by managing our activities with care and working with responsible organisations that promote social and environmental causes.
We focus our efforts on the issues we have identified as being most material (relevant and significant).
- That the Company will comply with statutory requirements and will be environmentally aware of the impact of the business. SMR will strive to ensure that our business activities have, at least, a neutral impact on the environment.
- To ensure that effective procedures are developed and maintained within the company.
- That a positive safety and environmentally responsible culture is developed and that each employee understands and recognises their responsibilities.
- That employees are aware of their responsibilities both within the concepts of good safety concerns but also in relation to the protection of the environment within which they work.
- To achieve continual improvement in the conditions for employees, research respondents, visitors and others who may be affected by the Company’s activities.
- To encourage the protection of the environment, to work within acceptable guidelines and to ensure the protection of our staff.
- To encourage responsible sourcing of products to reduce environmental impact and wherever possible source materials locally.
- To encourage the development of business with local organisations and communities.
Our corporate responsibility programme also extends to minimising the use of natural resources, as well as ensuring our suppliers meet their corporate, social and environmental commitments.
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